Thursday, 4 February 2021

What is a technical task and how to develop it

Let's consider what a technical task is, why it is being developed and in accordance with what requirements.

TK is a fundamental document that guides developers and designers when starting to develop a new product. It determines the main directions of development: the design and the principle of operation of the future product. TK declares, on the one hand, about the needs of society for new products, on the other, about the technical and technical and economic characteristics of the product. 

The terms of reference is the initial stage of work and is drawn up for all developments and types of work required to create a new product. It may precede research and development work (R&D) on the development of mechanization and automation means, individual units and systems, technology, measuring instruments, control devices and other products (performance of work, provision of services, industrial complex, device, machine, apparatus, control system, information system, regulatory documentation (for example, standard), etc.). 

The requirements included in the TK should be based on modern achievements of science and technology, on the results of research and experimental work performed. The TK should establish the following indicators of the product being developed: sow

- main purpose, technical and tactical and technical characteristics, level of standardization and unification;

- technical and economic indicators;

- patent and legal indicators;

- special requirements for the product, etc.

The terms of reference specify the stages of development and the timing of each stage, the timing of development in general. The quality of TK is ensured by the volume and completeness of the collection of materials required for development. The development uses the following materials:

- scientific and technical information;

- patent information;

- characteristics of the sales market;

- characteristics of the production where the product will be manufactured (technological equipment, qualifications of personnel, technological discipline, level of labor organization, etc.).

When developing a technical specification, the developer takes into account information about similar products contained in databases (all-Russian and regional) created in the State Standard of Russia on the basis of product catalog sheets.

The terms of reference are usually developed by the product development organization. To formulate the problem as fully and competently as possible, to justify the need for its solution is the main goal of the TK. The contractor performs it in contact with the customer. The duty of the customer is to provide the developer with the initial data for product development.

TK is developed and approved in the manner established by the customer and developer. Other interested organizations (enterprises) may be involved in the development of TK: manufacturer, trade (intermediary) organization, insurance organization, design organization, installation organization, etc.

To confirm individual requirements for products, including safety, health and environmental protection requirements, as well as assess the technical level of products, the TK can be sent by the developer or customer for examination (conclusion) to third-party organizations. The decision on the conclusions received is made by the developer and the customer before the approval of the TK.

The terms of reference are accompanied by diagrams and sketches for the design of the future product, and for technological developments - technological and technical and economic indicators of the existing production. The terms of reference should contain as much information as possible to facilitate the work on the product and reduce the development time.

Despite all its importance, the content of TK is little regulated by regulatory documents. Requirements for the content and order of building a document depend on the direction of development and are contained in the following documents:

GOST R 15.201-2000. Product development and launching system (SRPP). Products for industrial and technical purposes. The procedure for the development and launching of products for production (general requirements and brief recommendations for development are given).

GOST 19.201-78. Unified system of program documentation. Technical task. Requirements for the content and design (the content of the TK is summarized);

GOST 34.602-89. Information technology. Set of standards for automated systems. Terms of reference for the creation of an automated system (the composition and content of the TK are described in sufficient detail);

GOST 25123-82. Computing machines and data processing systems. Technical task. The order of construction, presentation and design (the order of construction of the TK is given). 

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