Thursday, 10 September 2020

Tips and Secrets for World of Tanks Players

The World of Tanks game is very popular. It has long become an esports discipline in which the best teams compete for the title of the best every year.

Players who fight in tournaments have thoroughly studied the game. We learned all the features of the cards, learned how to work with the physics of the game. And they also learned the ins and outs of the tanks they play on. It takes a lot of time to study all the tanks, therefore, usually, a certain type of equipment is selected, several nations and self-improvement begins. And it doesn't end there. From time to time Wargaming rebalances vehicles, changing their characteristics. And this already changes the gameplay and it is necessary to re-recognize the car. Sometimes even pump other nations, since the tank could go bad completely. But that's later. The article will provide tips and tricks for novice players, and for those who have already achieved some success here is computer engineering hard.

Immediately disclaimer: no cheats or forbidden mods will be mentioned. Firstly, it is immediately banned without the right to unblock if you are identified. Secondly, it will be especially offensive if you have gone far in pumping selected branches. 

Let's start with recommendations for beginners. It would be great if a more experienced player helped you at first. He would quickly go over the main points, skate a few practice fights with you, and so on. But, if not, then it does not matter, you can figure it out yourself. Go.

Setting up the game client

The default parameters are not very convenient. You need to remove vegetation (nice, but interferes with the view) and the server sight (does not always work correctly), adjust the marker to display the vehicle's HP points. The rest is at your discretion.

Install tracks, engine and implement

Also hang additional equipment: a camouflage net, enlightened optics, rammers, etc. At the first levels (up to the 5th), the above is not so necessary to do, but starting from the 6th is necessary.

If you are just starting to play, put on equipment that you can simply remove. At the very beginning, you will have a strong shortage of in-game currency - credits.

It is not necessary to play on premium shells, especially when starting the game

In principle, you can not take them at all. With some knowledge, the enemy's equipment can penetrate with conventional (armor-piercing or AP) shells with a bang. Is that supplying 5-7 gold shells, which, by the way, are sold for credits. They are expensive, but better than buying them with real money.


Many people forget about it, but it warns in a timely manner about the enemy tanks lit up, shows the place of the last detection.

Explore the cards

The game has a training battle mode. Go into it, take a ride, get to know them at least a little. Also, it will not be superfluous to familiarize yourself with the guides on the developers' site, to polish thematic sites and forums. The same goes for technology. Reading the description of tanks and playing them are different things, but you will have the first idea. And you can decide on the type of technique. There are 5 types of tanks in total:

Heavy (TT);



Tank destroyer;


Each group has its own characteristics, strengths and weaknesses. You can hang mods (from Jove or Amway, for example) - they have a function to display the weaknesses of the enemy. They will help you find the weakest point by the color marker or show the part of the tank that you cannot penetrate. Also, almost all tanks will display important elements: ammo rack, mechanic drive, loader and other modules that can be damaged or disabled. But there is a small point: if the computer is weak, then the game may work unstable or not work at all.

Auto sight application

If you do not play as LT or nimble CT, it is not recommended to use it. The auto sight is aimed at the center of the tank, which can be partially hidden behind cover or other obstacle. Accordingly, no penetration, extra reload time, the likelihood of being detected, and if there are few shells, then the loss of precious ammunition. If you are in close combat and twist the enemy, using the auto-aim is justified.

Use cover

These can be buildings, relief, skeletons of comrades, even bushes and fallen trees. But the latter are more related to additional camouflage so as not to be detected. After you've fired off, you can safely hide, get out of the light and reload. This is especially true when playing against vehicles of a higher level than yours.

You can still write a lot here, but for an inexperienced person, this will be enough for the first time in order to develop a habit.

So, the basics are mastered, let's move on.

Play your favorite technique

You can try a lot, but stop at your favorite. The quality of your game, value for the team and your rating depend on this. With a low rating, you will not be accepted into any normal clan.

Each type of technique has its own style of play

LT - shines, knocks down the harp, kills the self-propelled guns. TTs must defend tank destroyers, keep the enemy out and take a hit. If these 2 types change the manner of play, the loss is guaranteed. Applies to all types. There are, of course, exceptions, and, for example, an American tank destroyer can play as a TT, but this is rare.

Land mines should always be

At least a few pieces. They almost always cause damage, and if you go into the side or stern, the enemy, to put it mildly, will become bad. Up to complete destruction with one shell. Very effective against lightly armored vehicles.

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