Tuesday, 22 September 2020

What is cryogenics?

Cryogenics is the study of the production of extremely low temperatures. This area of ​​science also examines what happens to a wide range of materials from metals to gases when they are exposed to these temperatures. Cryogenics has many potential and real-world applications, from hardening metals to make them more durable, to improving the sound of musical instruments. There are a number of research opportunities in this area of ​​science for people interested in studying very low temperatures.

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Etymologically speaking, cryogenics is literally the study of "things that produce incredibly cold temperatures." There are many directions in this area, including the study of the effects of freezing on electrical components and the study of the effects of deep freezing. on biological material such as animals or plants. Some scientists are focused solely on finding new ways to generate and maintain extremely low temperatures, while allowing others to build on their work in various offshoots of this research area.

The temperature ranges used in cryogenics vary. Many people believe that studying any temperature below -190 degrees Fahrenheit (-123 degrees Celsius) is cryogenic. These temperatures are well below freezing and can have a significant impact on materials introduced into these very cold environments. There are several ways to get these low temperatures, from specialized freezers to using liquefied gases like nitrogen, which will regulate the temperature under the right pressure conditions.

When metals are cryogenically frozen, the strength of their molecular structure can increase, making the metal itself stronger and more durable. Many high quality metal products can be cryogenically processed as part of the tempering process. The process is also used in the preparation of specialized medicines and in the preservation of a wide variety of materials. Cryogenic fuel is also popular for rockets and shuttles.

One branch of cryogenic conservation, known as cryonics, appears periodically in the news. Humans and other animals can be deeply frozen under controlled conditions in the hope that medical advances will allow them to be resuscitated at some point in the future. Cryonics facilities often charge huge fees for their services, and the real possibility of resuscitation after cryogenic freezing is a matter of debate in the scientific and medical community.

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