Tuesday, 11 August 2020

Data security in the clouds

For a modern company that wants to remain competitive, information has become the main value - work data, customer base, business contacts, developments, accounting information, etc. Losing or, even worse, leaking data to competitors or free access today is often tantamount to bankruptcy. Therefore, close attention is paid to information security issues in any serious business. The traditional approach - local or dedicated servers - no longer satisfies most companies, because the risks are too great: equipment failure, theft or seizure can seriously harm.

Given the situation, management and administrators are looking towards cloud solutions that are designed to protect against most negative scenarios. In addition, cloud infrastructure is also cheaper than maintaining a fleet of equipment, and the desire to save money becomes another factor when choosing a remote service. On the other hand, the lack of cloud knowledge scares potential customers. So should you be afraid of storing data in the cloud?

Some cloud use cases technical support engineer jobs

Those companies that are little familiar with modern cloud solutions often perceive such services rather narrowly - as a regular file storage, only remote. However, this is only one of the many options for using the cloud, because today solutions based on virtualization technologies allow:

automatically create and store backups (data backups). You no longer need to worry that a backup that is not made in time will lead to the loss of important data - the remote server is responsible for this according to the established schedule. It is just as easy to restore data from the backup storage, literally in a few clicks;

keep accounting in 1C: Accounting or other familiar environment - both the software and all the necessary environment can be deployed on a cloud server and provide access to trusted employees. All working data, databases are also conveniently and safely stored in the cloud;

launch and maintain the work of CMS 1C-Bitrix and corporate sites that run under its control, as well as any other CMS on which the company's sites are built. This solution allows you to provide sites with almost 100% uptime;

any other software packages your company works with - office applications, CRM systems, databases, IP telephony and much more. This allows you to completely transfer office work to the cloud and save on equipment. At the same time, there is no need to retrain employees - for them the working environment will remain familiar, but the necessary flexibility and mobility will be added.

Cloud technologies leave customers complete freedom - to install any operating systems, accompanying software, customize and configure the environment for themselves - there are practically no restrictions.

Why is the cloud secure?

For a business service provider, the security of customer information is a top priority. At Tucha, we make sure that every byte of data is reliably protected. And here are the main things we do for this:

we place equipment in a Tier III data center located in Western Europe (Frankfurt, Germany). This level of protection means that all main engineering and network communications (electricity supply, ventilation, temperature control, access to the network) are duplicated, repair or replacement of one of the components does not require the equipment to be suspended. Even force majeure, such as, for example, a power outage, will not lead to a shutdown or loss of data;

we use network equipment and carrier-class servers from top vendors, no low-end hardware;

we regularly replace worn-out elements, we replicate data on parallel media;

for additional protection, we regularly create system snapshots and data backups (for some services this service is included in the default price, for others it is available upon request)

This combination of techniques allows you to guarantee uptime from 99% to 99.9%, depending on the service.

In a world where the cost of information is many times higher than the cost of the material base, security comes first. And we can really ensure the physical safety of your data and take care of your interests in any situation. Apply for competent advice, we are always in touch!

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